Fall Foliage Hot Lines from greatriver.com
While mid-October seems to be the time when Fall Foliage really POPS along the Upper Mississippi River, we on the Upper River are certainly already seeing brilliant red sumacs. Softwoods are starting to yellow up. You can follow the southward march of Fall Color with the contacts below. Weather is perfect, enjoy the drive!
Try this new 2021 Interactive Fall Color Prediction Map for the entire US! It says Smoky Mountains, but it is actually the whole country in great detail!
Fall Foliage Prediction Map for Wisconsin
More Fall Foliage Hot Lines from greatriver.com
While mid-October seems to be the time when Fall Foliage really POPS along the Upper Mississippi River, we on the Upper River are certainly already seeing brilliant red sumacs. Softwoods are starting to yellow up. You can follow the southward march of Fall Color with the contacts below. Weather is perfect, enjoy the drive!
Arkansas. https://www.arkansas.com/arkansas-seasons/fall (late October to early November)
Illinois. 800-226-6632; www.enjoyillinois.com (early October)
Kentucky. 800-225-8747; (late October)
Minnesota. 800-657-3700; www.exploreminnesota.com (late September to mid-October)
Missouri. 800-778-1234; www.missouritourism.org (mid-to-late October)
Tennessee. 800-697-4200; Fall Folliage Predition Map (early November)
Wisconsin. 800-432-8747; www.travelwisconsin.com (early through mid-October)

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